Chantlers Nurture Curriculum
At Chantlers Primary School our aim is to ensure that we provide an inclusive, creative curriculum that can be accessible to all. As a school, we use varied approaches from The National Nurturing Schools Programme to improve the Mental Health and well-being of children. We support children by removing barriers to learning by promoting nurture in education through NurtureUK Principles.
Nurture approaches have been an educational intervention since the 1960’s developed by Majorie Boxall. The Boxall Profiles are assessment tools for identifying the pupils’ obstacles to learning which then allows the planning of effective intervention. It can highlight a wide range of concerns that might not be initially obvious and help ensure transparency in communication between staff with the school setting and can also open discussions with parents.
The Boxall Profile consists of two sections:
1. Developmental strands which describe different aspects of the pupil’s developmental process.
2. Diagnostic profile describing behaviours that inhibit or interfere with the pupil’s involvement in school.
An intervention approach was devised to improve the social, emotional development of such children, which in turn will improve their cognitive functioning and learning.
With early identification of potential social, emotional, behavioural and/or mental health issues we aim to use the Boxall Profile assessments for children who may find this challenging, through the six principles embedded in the curriculum.