Chantlers Primary School

Pupil Leadership

Pupil Leadership and a Wider Curriculum

Cultural Capital is something that we all possess but in different amounts. It is a combination of a pupil's knowledge, skills, and behaviour which enables them to be successful in the world of work, their career, and in society. It is the golden thread that ties all aspects of a pupil's school life together, making our children well-rounded people when they leave us.

Chantlers Primary School - Our Toolkit Promise

At Chantlers, we strive to ensure that we add value to our pupils' Cultural Capital both inside and outside of the classroom. Though important, our pupils realise that being successful is not just about their exam performance, therefore we have a range of opportunities for our children to undertake throughout their time at school. In addition to pupils' exam performance, we actively recognise and celebrate qualities we see in our pupils which are sought after by employers and will help foster success when they start secondary school.

Pupil Leadership

The Pupil Leadership Team is a vital part of school life at Chantlers Primary School. It is an important and useful way for our school to provide leadership and development opportunities for our pupils and it is a wonderful way for students to take on leadership roles, promote the voice of the student council, problem-solve, and have an impact on the wider school community. Being a part of the Pupil Leadership Team enables pupils to develop a personal moral code and explore values and beliefs while encouraging the development of a climate that supports the proper exercise of responsibility. It offers pupils an opportunity to be involved in decisions about features of their life at school and allows them to have some control over the use of their time. Working as part of a team provides pupils with improved communication skills and improved self-confidence. It helps pupils to form better relationships with peers. It increases self-awareness and helps improve confidence when making decisions. Working with a group of pupils who they would not ordinarily work with also helps to promote equality, diversity, and inclusion within the school.

It is a DfE requirement that schools promote British Values within their everyday practice. Having a Pupil Leadership Team promotes Democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, and Mutual Respect and Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs. As detailed above, the Pupil Leadership Team promotes the development of skills in a variety of ways: Leadership, Teamwork, Community Connectedness, Problem Solving, Listening, Speaking, Positivity, Creativity, Emotional Intelligence, and Aiming High.

This year’s Pupil Leadership Team was elected at the end of Summer 2023, following a rigorous application process. Pupils completed an application form for their roles by answering questions about their skill sets and why they would be good at the role. Applicants were then invited to a whole school assembly where they were required to talk in more detail, in person, about their skills, what makes them a good candidate, and what they would do if they were successfully appointed. Following the assembly, the whole school took part in a democratic vote, in the style of a general election with a polling station set up in school. Votes were counted and the four candidates with the most votes were appointed as Head Boy, Head Girl, and their deputies. The remaining candidates were appointed roles within the leadership team structure. Successful students and their roles were celebrated again in a whole school assembly, and their photographs were added to the pupil leadership display.

Pupil leadership opportunities at Chantlers:

·         Head Boy/Girl /Deputy Head Boy/Girl

·         Senior Prefects

·         House Captains

·         Sports Captains

·         School Council Members

·         Subject Ambassadors

·         Librarians

·         Lunchtime Supervisors

·         Assembly Monitors

·         Reading Buddies

Development Objective: Create an Eco-Committee

The Eco-Committee will promote the importance of the school becoming more environmentally sustainable. 


Roles and Responsibilities

Head Boy/Girl: The Head Boy or Head Girl are like the captains of our school ship. They're chosen because they embody qualities like leadership, integrity, and empathy. They might lead meetings, organise school events, and collaborate with teachers to address student concerns. They will lead special school events such as the annual Carol Service whilst striving to make our school experience memorable and meaningful for everyone. 

Deputy Head Boy/Girl: They work closely with the Head Boy or Girl to support their initiatives and ensure the smooth operation of school events. They're the trusted confidant and reliable problem-solver, always ready to step in and help.

Senior Prefects: They're chosen because they demonstrate qualities like responsibility, reliability, and respect for others. Their role is to set a positive example for their peers and help maintain order and harmony within the school. Senior Prefects might assist teachers with various tasks, such as monitoring the corridors during breaks, helping younger children, or organising school events. They're like role models who help create a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone can thrive and succeed.

House Captains: They are like the leaders of our school's teams, known as houses. House Captains are chosen for their leadership skills, teamwork abilities, and commitment to their house. Their role is to inspire and motivate their fellow house members, leading them in competitions, events, and community activities. They're responsible for fostering a sense of unity and pride within their house, encouraging participation, and celebrating achievements. 

Sports Captains: These children are like the captains of our school's sports teams. They're chosen for their skills in their respective sports, as well as their leadership qualities and dedication to their team. Their role is to lead by example both on and off the field, inspiring their teammates to give their best effort and work together towards success. Sports Captains promote teamwork, sportsmanship, and determination.

School Council Members: They are like the representatives of all of our children. They're chosen through elections, where staff and children vote for those they believe will best represent their interests. Their role is to listen to their peers' concerns, ideas, and suggestions, and then bring these to the attention of the school staff. They work collaboratively to discuss issues affecting our children, propose solutions, and advocate for positive changes within the school community. School Council Members may also organise events, initiatives, and campaigns aimed at improving student life and fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity. 

Subject Ambassadors: They are like the experts and enthusiasts of specific subjects in our school. They're chosen because of their passion, knowledge, and dedication to a particular academic area. Their role is to promote their subject among their peers, showcasing its importance, relevance, and opportunities for further study or careers. Subject Ambassadors may assist teachers in organising subject-related activities, workshops, or intervention groups, and they often serve as mentors to children who need extra help or guidance in that subject. They're like the ambassadors of knowledge, sharing their love for their subject and inspiring others to explore and excel in it.

Librarians: They are like the guardians of knowledge and information in our school. They're chosen for their love of books, organisation skills, and helpfulness. Their role is to manage the school library, ensuring it's a welcoming and resourceful space for their peers.

Lunchtime Supervisors: They're chosen for their responsibility, kindness, and ability to keep things running smoothly. Their role is to ensure that lunchtime is a safe and enjoyable experience for all children. Lunchtime Supervisors help maintain order in the dinner hall, help monitor children’s behaviour, and assist with any issues or concerns that may arise during lunchtime. They're there to ensure everyone follows the rules, respects one another, and has a positive lunchtime experience.

Assembly Monitors: They're chosen for their reliability, respectfulness, and leadership qualities. Their role is to help ensure that school assemblies run smoothly and effectively. Assembly Monitors assist in setting up the assembly hall, guiding children to their seats, and helping to maintain order and focus during the assembly. They may also help with audiovisual equipment or other technical aspects of the assembly.

Reading Buddies: They're chosen for their passion for reading, empathy, and patience. Their role is to support younger children in developing their reading skills and fostering a love for books. Reading Buddies may work with individual children or small groups, listening to them read, helping them with difficult words, and discussing stories together. They serve as positive role models, showing younger children that reading is fun and rewarding.

Pupil Voice

At Chantlers, we value the voice of our pupils and encourage their participation across the school. An integral part of that participation is the annual survey inviting our children to express their thoughts, wishes and opinions about our school and their learning experience.

School Council

School Council

Our school council provides a meaningful way in which pupils can voice their opinions and have their views taken into account in decisions that impact them.

Overall, as a school, we take into account of Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) which says ‘When adults are making decisions that affect children, children have the right to say what they think should happen and have their opinions taken into account.’

Who We Are

At the start of each new year children in Years 1 to 6 can put themselves forward to become a member of the school council. They prepare and deliver a speech to the rest of the class who then have the opportunity to vote for their preferred candidate.

The elected children meet every term to present the views and suggestions of the class to improve the school or raise funds for charity or school projects.

Making a Difference

The School Council have:

  • Successfully created and ran a health tuckshop at break time.
  • Organised the school Christmas party and purchased party hats for the children’s Christmas Dinner.
  • Organised an Easter Egg hunt for the whole school as part of our Easter celebrations.
  • Researched and recommended gifts that could be purchased from the newly introduced ‘Merit Shop’ as part of the discussions on how we reward children for excellent work and behaviour,
  • Actively seek opportunities to contribute to school events, recently selling bands at our winter discos.

High School Ready

Children who are HIgh School ready exhibit a blend of academic awareness, social maturity and emotional resilience. They demonstrate critical thinking skills, the ability to analyse information and demonstrate effective learning behaviours. Socially, they navigate peer interactions with respect and empathy, forming healthy relationships and collaborating with classmates. Moreover, they display independence, take responsibility for their actions and decisions while seeking guidance when needed. Emotionally, they show resilience when facing challenges, adaptability in new environments and a positive attitude towards learning and personal growth.

Overall, High School ready children embody a holistic readiness that sets them on a path for success in their secondary school academic journey. Children who are High School ready not only excel academically, socially and emotionally but also demonstrate readiness for the next step in their educational journey through successful interviews and recognition, by being awarded a High School Ready tie. This symbolises their achievement and commitment to their educational growth and serves as a tangible reminder of their dedication and readiness to thrive in the dynamic environment of high school.

The successful applicants are Hadiya Farooq, Adan Uddin, Shannon McNamara and Maisie Truslove.


Sustainability is an imprtant issue for us at Chantlers Primary School. Through our curriculum, assemblies and visitors into school, we aim to raise further awareness of the effects of climate change and the need to protect our environment.

We have a Eco-Committee that meets every half term, which enables children to take an active role in generating ideas to make our lives healthier and more sustainable.

Our aims as a school and Eco-Committee are to:

Educate pupils and engage them in learning about the importance of our natural environment and the dangers of climate change for future generations:

-  Food miles, fair trade, carbon footprint and life cycle of plastic

-  Library books that celebrate and share amazing facts – Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough

Ensure school is recycling effectively at all times, card, paper, metal and plastic, food – compost bin for kitchen

Reduce the use of energy in the school

Increase awareness by running a sustainability week and issuing a pupil newsletter

Increase awareness about waste reduction, littering and recycling

Increase awareness about air quality and the importance of sustainable travel by organising cycling training and promoting walking - take an active part in Walk to School Week – Model Shift Stars

Welcome visitors into school to talk about environmental issues. In 2018 we introduced school ties to our uniform which are made from recycled plastic bottles. Our supplier, Keltic ties spoke in an assembly to talk about the benefits of recycling, carbon footprint reduction and reliance on plastics and fossil fuels.

Introduce gardening offering pupils a deeper appreciation for their environment