Chantlers Primary School pupils

Wellbeing & Support

Chantlers Primary School is fully committed to protecting and nurturing all our pupils and creating an inclusive, safe and secure environment so that they can develop into responsible, confident, self-aware, capable young people who are well-equipped to cope with the challenges ahead of them.

As a school we provide pastoral support and guidance to all our children, promoting their wellbeing by liaising with parents/carers, external agencies and all related stakeholders. 

Children are encouraged to approach any staff member, at any time if they feel they need support. Staff work with individuals or groups of children to give them the very best possible care, especially during vulnerable and difficult times, by providing empathy, support and strategies to remove barriers to learning.

Our named Pastoral Manager is Mrs Lorna Tracey who underpins this support network by offering children the opportunity for impartial input.    

We have an open-door policy and if there are any pastoral concerns about any of our children, please contact the school on 0161 761 1074 and ask to speak to a Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL). You can also use the confidential Handle with Care email:


Wellbeing Strategies

Scientific studies have shown us that if we do these five things then we will be happier!



Connecting with other people and maintaining positive relationships can make you and others feel special.
For example:

  • Telephone your friends or family to see how they are
  • Ask how someone is and really listen when they tell you
  • Post a letter or card to someone who might be feeling lonely
  • Eat meals together with your family and chat about your day
  • Play games with your friends over Zoom when you can’t meet up with them    

20 Best Zoom Games for Kids

Take Notice

This is taking notice of your own feelings and the people and things around you. It helps you appreciate what’s going on around you.
For example:

  • Noticing changes in the different seasons when you are outside
  • Watching a plant grow
  • Keeping a diary of what's been going on/ noting down things to be grateful for each day
  • Have a break from screens to really take in what is around you
  • Mindfulness activities for staying calm - Colouring, deep breathing, visualisations
  • Look up Relax Kids on Facebook for relaxation exercises and wellbeing tips 

Super Mood Movers

Keep Learning

Learning isn’t just for school. Study something new or try something different to improve your confidence.
For example:

  • Try cooking/baking something new
  • Do a puzzle, word search or Sudoku
  • Try a new hobby -  draw, write a song, learn to take nice pictures, play an instrument
  • Find out interesting facts about something new
  • Learn the meaning of a new word

Chrome Music Lab

(fun, hands-on experiments to make music)

Mr Men Themed Baking Ideas

Be Active

Getting active can make you feel good and keep you healthy. It will give you more energy for the day.
For example:

  • Do a fitness challenge eg how many star jumps in a minute
  • Discover somewhere new to walk, use a GPS tracking app to plan a route and create your own art on your walk!
  • Do some extra stretches when you wake up in the morning
  • Dance around to your favourite music and have your own disco
  • Sing action songs - 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes..'  

PE With Joe


Giving makes everyone feel special – a present, card or even your time just to say thanks.
For example:

  • Help family members with something – tidy up, care for your pet, make a drink for them
  • Post a present/leave a gift on a doorstep
  • Sort out old toys to give to a charity shop for someone else to enjoy
  • Do something nice for your community eg make nice pictures for your window to cheer others up as they walk past

Financial Advice and Support for Families

Nurture UK

What is Nurture?

At Chantlers, our aim is to ensure that we provide an inclusive, creative curriculum that can be accessible to all. As a school, we use varied approaches from The National Nurturing Schools Programme to improve the Mental Health and Wellbeing of children. We support children by removing barriers to learning by promoting nurture in education through NurtureUK Principles.

The National Nurturing Schools Award (NNSA)

To demonstrate our commitment to our nuture approach, we are aiming to achieve the Nurture Award by following the National Nurturing Schools Programme (NNSP). Our aim is to continue to create a nurturing culture for the children and young people in their care. Leading the award is Miss Hall and Miss McGill.

How is it awarded?

The award is assessed against a set of NNSP Standards, outlined during the National Nurturing Schools Programme, which covers three main areas: Stakeholders, Delivery and Leadership & Management.

What are the benefits?

The award is evidence of a school’s success in implementing and embedding a nurturing culture that responds to the social, emotional and mental health needs of its pupils, alongside their academic studies.