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Our School Governing Body

Governors are a voluntary body of people who guide and support the strategic direction of the school. They are members of the school team and their contribution to the running of the school is highly valued.

The instrument of government states that the governing body shall consist of:

  • 2 parent governors
  • 1 local authority governor
  • 1 staff governor
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 5 co-opted governors

The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key function are to:

  • Set the aims and objectives for the school
  • Set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
  • Monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards the achievement of its aims and objectives
  • Be a source of challenge and support to the Headteacher (a critical friend)
Current Governors
Name Governor Type Responsibilities/Committees Term of Office Business / Personal /  Pecuniary Interests Meetings Attended Voting Rights
Mr Philip Barlow Headteacher N/A 1/09/13 - Ex Officio None 3/3 Yes
Mr Michael Cardwell Chair Co-opted Leadership & Management: Personal Development: Pay & Finance Committee; Behaviour & Welfare; Outcomes for Pupils: Quality of Teaching: Learning & Assessment; Safeguarding; Complaints; Discipline; Bids; Year 2.  1/06/23-31/05/27 None 1/3 Yes
Mrs Jean Simpson MBE Co-opted Leadership & Management: Personal Development: Behaviour & Welfare; Outcomes for Pupils: Quality of Teaching: Learning & Assessment; Complaints; Pay; Headteachers Appraisal; Science; Year 6 1/06/23-31/05/27 None 1/3 Yes
Mr Stephen Lea Associate Member (Deputy Headteacher) N/A 1/03/2016  None 2/3 Yes
Mr Andrew Robinson Staff Leadership & Management: Personal Development: Behaviour & Welfare; Outcomes for Pupils: Quality of Teaching: Learning & Assessment; GDPR 22/03/21-21/03/25 None N/A Yes
Mr Robert Lees Vice Chair Co-opted Leadership & Management: Personal Development: Pay & Finance Committee; Training; Behaviour & Welfare; Outcomes for Pupils: Quality of Teaching: Learning & Assessment; Numeracy; EY 31/01/22-12/01/26 None 3/3 Yes
Mrs Heather McLean Co-opted Leadership & Management: Personal Development: Behaviour & Welfare; Outcomes for Pupils: Quality of Teaching: Learning & Assessment; Literacy; Year 3 01/04/23-31/03/27 Parent Governor at Elton High School 3/3 Yes
Mr Johnathan Frodsham Parent Governor Leadership & Management: Personal Development:: Quality of Teaching: Learning & Assessment; English; Year 4 1/05/23-31/04/27 None 1/3 Yes
Mr Dene Vernon LA Headteachers Appraisal; Pay Committee Appeals; Leadership & Management: Personal Development: Behaviour & Welfare; Outcomes for Pupils: Quality of Teaching: Learning & Assessment; Health & Safety; Year 5 1/11/23-31/10/27 Governor at Elton High School 2/3 Yes
Mrs Rebecca Tunstall Related to Staff Family Leadership & Management; Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare; Outcomes for Pupils; Quality of Teaching, Learning & Assessment;SEND/Pupil Premium;English;Year 1 01/07/2024 - 30/06/2028 Co-opted Governor at Elton Primary School 1/3 Yes
Mrs Deborah Henderson Co-opted Leadership & Management; Personal Development, Behaviour & Welfare; Outcomes for Pupils; Quality of Teaching, Learning & Assessment; Maths, Early Years 01/01/2025 - 31/12/2029 None N/.A Yes

Meet our Governors

Rob Lees - Deputy Chair

I chose to be a Governor of Chantlers as I am committed to the long-term success of the
school. I work in a secondary school.

Jean Simpson MBE

As I had been the Staff Governor at a local Primary School until my retirement and there
were vacancies at other schools, I chose to continue being a School Governor.

When I am not attending Governor's meetings, I enjoyed many hobbies including sewing,
reading, knitting, gardening, theatre and restaurant visits. Along with my husband, I visit
our caravan regularly and am a national-level Athletic official.

Dene Vernon

I am a retired Police Officer and Local Councillor.

I have been a Governor at Chantlers since 2018.

Johnathan Fordsham

I chose to become a school governor to help the school improve and develop. I am very keen to make sure all children are safeguarded and can fulfil their potential regardless of their special educational needs, disabilities or background.

I am a head chef and I have been one for over ten years. I have a lot of transferable skills, I manage and question budgets and spending, deal with health and safety issues and make difficult decisions.

Rebecca Tunstall

I am the Deputy Headteacher at a local Primary School, where I have taught for 14 years. My passion lies within EYFS and phonics but I am also involved with mapping our reading curriculum across the school. I work closely with universities, delivering lectures, assisting in recruitment and mentoring students throughout their degrees.

Throughout my career, I have felt it extremely important to fully understand and develop my abilities surrounding the intent, implementation and impact of whole school systems and procedures and I have become fully adept at using data to devise and advance strategies for school improvement.

Deborah Henderson

I have worked in primary education for 25 years and had many roles during that time.  I am currently the Deputy Headteacher at a small school in Stockport where I am the curriculum and attendance lead.  

A primary school is such an important part of any child's life and where skills are developed, opinions are formed and passions emerge.  It takes many individuals working together to make a school a place where every child can feel they belong and feel supported to be the best they can be.  I feel privileged to be one of those people at Chantlers Primary School.

Governor Attendance at Meetings

Use the drop-down menus below to view the attendance at meetings

Full Governing Body Meetings 2023-2024

Name Autumn 2023 Autumn 2024 Summer 2024
Mike Cardwell Y Y Y
Robert Lees Y Y Y
Jean Simpson MBE Y Y Y
Andrew Robinson Y Y Y
Heather McLean Y Y Y
Rebecca Tattersall N/A N/A Y
Johnathan Frodsham Y Absent Y